If You Knew What We Do You Will Never Sleep Again Nasa Director

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Horace Derwent
...in loving memory, Wes Craven, 1939~2015


As far as I can grope into the vast sea of my recollection, A Nightmare on Elm Street was the first horror movie I've ever seen. Now I can still remember a lot of details, such as Freddy goes thru a wall and leaves the wall on fire, Freddy's face moves behind the mural space right above the headboard, Freddy's arms so long that they're trying to hug me, oh, Depp was sucked into his bed and thrown up a

...in loving memory, Wes Craven, 1939~2015


As far as I can grope into the vast sea of my recollection, A Nightmare on Elm Street was the first horror movie I've ever seen. Now I can still remember a lot of details, such as Freddy goes thru a wall and leaves the wall on fire, Freddy's face moves behind the mural space right above the headboard, Freddy's arms so long that they're trying to hug me, oh, Depp was sucked into his bed and thrown up again in a fountain of blood, blah blah blah. And yeah! That rope jumping nursery rhyme :D

Actually the movies never scare me even if they're scary, I just love them for the innovations, the perseverance and the coolness and all

While reading this book, I realized my eyes were watery and there was a lump in my throat, I just felt I'd grown up with Freddy on Elm Street, Springwood, Ohio. It has much rare details and never-before-seen materials, they graphically portray the birth of this legendary, classical horror movie series...and stuff like how Wes created Freddy, Why he named Freddy as Freddy Krueger, Why he chose Depp not Charlie Sheen to be Glen, etc. Definitely a must read for a Freddy buff like me

The book is so cool, Freddy is so cool, the crew was so cool, Wes was so cool, but not that cool the moment Freddy spoke Shanghainese to me when he visited me in my dream after I'd seen the movie on VCR in 1990

Welcome, be my guest, fuckers!!

C.T. Phipps
Mar 01, 2020 rated it really liked it
NEVER SLEEP AGAIN provides a summary of each individual A Nightmare on Elm Street's creation starting with the beginning and leading right up until the end as defined by the people who made it. It's not just the big names but the actors, writers, sound designers, producers, and more that give a top AND bottom look at the effort which went into each film. We get answers to a lot of questions that fans have been wondering for years (Question: Was ANOES 2 deliberately meant to be as homoerotic as i NEVER SLEEP AGAIN provides a summary of each individual A Nightmare on Elm Street's creation starting with the beginning and leading right up until the end as defined by the people who made it. It's not just the big names but the actors, writers, sound designers, producers, and more that give a top AND bottom look at the effort which went into each film. We get answers to a lot of questions that fans have been wondering for years (Question: Was ANOES 2 deliberately meant to be as homoerotic as it was? Answer: Yes).

We also get the complicated feelings of many creators on how the movies developed as well as what external market pressures influenced their creation as well as how the films' successes changed the lives of the people involved. New Line Cinema is "The House that Freddy Built" as the money from some medium-budget horror films created a media empire that provided a rare amount of creative freedom for its owners. There's also some people who got left behind as Heather Langenkamp talks about how when trying to get in touch with Wes Craven once, she was unrecognized by his secretary.

This is an odd book for me to read because I used to work with Permuted Press and it ended poorly. I also am a huge slasher fan, though, and think this is a wonderful read on the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. So, I'm going to warn readers that my opinion may be biased here. Basically, my argument is that this is an amazing work but you're much better off going to watch the documentary that was adapted from this book under the same title. This makes an excellent coffee table book but the participation of the actors elevates the other just a wee bit more.

Still, probably the definitive work for any fans of the series. It's a shame it's no longer available on Kindle.

Alexandre Willer
Trabalho documental primoroso de Hutson sobre um filme que reformulou os filmes de horror e alavancou Craven em sua carreira assim como criou um dos vilões mais icônicos do cinema.

Talvez peque por pintar um quadro demasiado bucólico da produção a qual deve ter sido recheada de tensões e atritos já que o dinheiro era escasso, os recursos quase inexistentes e as apostas muito altas, se houvesse falhado, teria sepultado a carreira de todos e falido a New Line que acabou virando 'casa' de filmes do

Trabalho documental primoroso de Hutson sobre um filme que reformulou os filmes de horror e alavancou Craven em sua carreira assim como criou um dos vilões mais icônicos do cinema.

Talvez peque por pintar um quadro demasiado bucólico da produção a qual deve ter sido recheada de tensões e atritos já que o dinheiro era escasso, os recursos quase inexistentes e as apostas muito altas, se houvesse falhado, teria sepultado a carreira de todos e falido a New Line que acabou virando 'casa' de filmes do gênero.

Bem recheado de extras e fotos, vale a leitura pelo registro.

Adoro livros estilo documentário ou "making of", e esse é meu filme favorito de terror. Tem centenas detalhes que enriquecem muito a experiência.
Never Sleep Again by Thommy Hutson is a detailed account of the creation of Wes Craven's A Nightmare on Elm Street and is similar to books like Chainsaw Confidential by Gunnar Hansen, Wes Craven's Last House on the Left by David Szulkin, On Location in Blairstown: The Making of Friday the 13th by David Grove, and Crystal Lake Memories by Peter Bracke. The book is associated with the Never Sleep Again documentary that discusses all of the Elm Street films, although this book concentrates on the o Never Sleep Again by Thommy Hutson is a detailed account of the creation of Wes Craven's A Nightmare on Elm Street and is similar to books like Chainsaw Confidential by Gunnar Hansen, Wes Craven's Last House on the Left by David Szulkin, On Location in Blairstown: The Making of Friday the 13th by David Grove, and Crystal Lake Memories by Peter Bracke. The book is associated with the Never Sleep Again documentary that discusses all of the Elm Street films, although this book concentrates on the original. The book is full of information straight from the cast and crew, as well as an extensive array of behind-the-scenes photographs. I've read a few books about Wes Craven and have seen numerous documentaries and special features related to A Nightmare on Elm Street, but so much of the content of this book was new to me. The author does a great job of structuring the book, and his writing is very clear and readable without being overly bland. Highly recommended for those interested in the subject matter. ...more
Aug 03, 2016 rated it it was amazing
As an Elm Street fantatic, well-emersed in the A Nightmare on Elm Street community, I thought I knew it all. However, this book proved me wrong. Not only is it filled with detailed behind the scenes history of the film that started the Nightmare phenomenon, it also includes the history behind New Line, which has become known as "The House that Freddy Built." I can not emphasize the level of detail enough as it breaks everything down. While these elements are exciting and eye-opening, the most ex As an Elm Street fantatic, well-emersed in the A Nightmare on Elm Street community, I thought I knew it all. However, this book proved me wrong. Not only is it filled with detailed behind the scenes history of the film that started the Nightmare phenomenon, it also includes the history behind New Line, which has become known as "The House that Freddy Built." I can not emphasize the level of detail enough as it breaks everything down. While these elements are exciting and eye-opening, the most exhilarating aspect for me was the cast and crew weighing in on all of the long-time rumors and stories surrounding the film - some were true, some were false, and some no one still had the answers to. The book is jam-packed with pictures and information that not even the large hardcover has within its pages.

I recommend this for any lover of film, of horror, and, especially, of the A Nightmare on Elm Street films. Stellar addition to any collection. My only quarrel is I wish it were even longer. That might sound cheesy, but it keeps you wanting more.

R.L. Bailey
Be warned before tackling this one. Unlike the exhaustive documentry that shares the same, this book only covers the first film. Even the legacy of Freddy and his culturally impact is glossed over. Following the doc, Craven's book, Englund's book, commentaries and interviews on DVDs the majority of fans probably have heard enough.

This isn't to say the book is bad, it's just only for the obsessive. At times Hutson gets so detailed it reads like a textbook. That's probably more what it should be.

Be warned before tackling this one. Unlike the exhaustive documentry that shares the same, this book only covers the first film. Even the legacy of Freddy and his culturally impact is glossed over. Following the doc, Craven's book, Englund's book, commentaries and interviews on DVDs the majority of fans probably have heard enough.

This isn't to say the book is bad, it's just only for the obsessive. At times Hutson gets so detailed it reads like a textbook. That's probably more what it should be. If you're interested in the film industry this is a good read (although I'd say check out a Lloyd Kauffman book). I've watched the documentry a dozen times and this book just felt dry and dull in tone.

Benjamin Wetmore
Great potential. horrible writing, very labored. no big insights into the film, it felt like the author was slogging through half the book to finish the writing.

the book needed more details on individual scenes and perhaps some criticism of the movie or certain aspects of production. instead it reads like an uncritical fanboy.

watch the documentary of the same name, much better.

Pedro Moreno
"A luva me afetou porque ela é pesada, e quando eu a coloquei o ombro abaixou um pouco."

A Dark Side fez um ótimo trabalho com essa edição de luxo. A capa é interessante e a jaqueta faz um complemento divertido servindo de agasalho do Freddy Krueger. O livro é recheado de material complementar, como fotos da produção, cartazes, detalhes dos efeitos especiais e trechos de reportagens e roteiros. Só pecou por ser totalmente em branco e preto, o que tira muito valor de materiais relacionados a cinem

"A luva me afetou porque ela é pesada, e quando eu a coloquei o ombro abaixou um pouco."

A Dark Side fez um ótimo trabalho com essa edição de luxo. A capa é interessante e a jaqueta faz um complemento divertido servindo de agasalho do Freddy Krueger. O livro é recheado de material complementar, como fotos da produção, cartazes, detalhes dos efeitos especiais e trechos de reportagens e roteiros. Só pecou por ser totalmente em branco e preto, o que tira muito valor de materiais relacionados a cinema de terror.

Composto de relatos do diretor, produtor, atores e equipe de produção do primeiro filme da franquia A Hora do Pesadelo, nos capítulos iniciais, o livro relata como Wes Craven foi criando o roteiro ao longo de sua carreira de diretor e essa é a parte mais interessante.

"O efeito especial custou cinco dólares. Era apenas um telefone de princesa e uma língua, que colocamos em uma pequena alavanca, e bastava apertá-la que ela saía do telefone. Isso chocou muito as pessoas."

Never Sleep Again torna-se depois bastante enfadonho com diversos relatos redundantes de diversos membros da produção sobre os mesmos fatos, recapitulando o filme inteiro de cena a cena. A divisão dos capítulos peca em criar trechos muito longos, cheios de subtítulos desconexos, o que deixa a leitura cansativa.

Trata-se de um item essencial para colecionadores. Curiosos não devem tirar muito proveito das mais de 500 páginas em PB e o tema impede o uso decorativo, especialmente em ambientes com crianças pequenas.

Jan 04, 2020 rated it it was amazing
This is a biography of the low-budget film, A Nightmare on Elm Street. It begins with Wes Craven's idea for this film and follows this idea as he develops it into a screenplay and a script and works with industry professionals to bring his story to life. The author writes about the actors that were cast, and a couple that weren't cast, and then he follows the story of the movie from idea to pre-production, to actual filming, post-production editing, and finally marketing. Ever wonder how they go This is a biography of the low-budget film, A Nightmare on Elm Street. It begins with Wes Craven's idea for this film and follows this idea as he develops it into a screenplay and a script and works with industry professionals to bring his story to life. The author writes about the actors that were cast, and a couple that weren't cast, and then he follows the story of the movie from idea to pre-production, to actual filming, post-production editing, and finally marketing. Ever wonder how they got the bed to digest a teenager, then vomit blood? That's in here. And how they got Freddie Krueger to have impossibly long arms, in the days before CGI? That's also in here. The author goes scene by scene and tells the reader exactly how they set up the shot, how they got the special effects to work, little errors that you never knew were errors, and why a character was wearing a specific costume or another. It's all in here.

I just really liked this book. It was a lot of fun for me to read about the pre-production process and everything they had to do to bring the story to the screen. It was especially interesting because the movie had almost a non-existent budget. Some of the special effects were made with less than $10 of various parts of things that might be lying around your house. The author really worked to make the story a very vivid one and at times I felt like an extra hanging around a set. This was a lot of fun. I would recommend having a copy of Nightmare on Elm Street handy to refer to.

Apr 03, 2019 rated it really liked it
If you are an Elm Street fan then you will love this, and luckily for me, I am a huge Elm Street fan.

If you have seen the film once or twice then you may find this a little boring, there are plenty of pages that I can see people having to slog through it, if like me you have seen the film countless times and love Freddy Krueger (even the terrible films) then this really is the book for you.

I already knew lots of the little behind the scenes stories and knew the tricks behind the special effects

If you are an Elm Street fan then you will love this, and luckily for me, I am a huge Elm Street fan.

If you have seen the film once or twice then you may find this a little boring, there are plenty of pages that I can see people having to slog through it, if like me you have seen the film countless times and love Freddy Krueger (even the terrible films) then this really is the book for you.

I already knew lots of the little behind the scenes stories and knew the tricks behind the special effects but it was nice to hear the cast actually telling their side of the story, it really does sound like everyone had a blast whilst they were filming this despite the budgetary constraints.

One thing to be aware of before going into this book is that it isn't an overview of all of the films it only details the first one, not that that should bother anyone as it really is the best and was groundbreaking when it first came out.

A must read for any fan.

Oct 28, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Excellent chronicle of the making of "A Nightmare On Elm Street" that gets everyone involved, from the actors, director, producers and visual effects people. Hutson does a great job covering every angle, and even gets some of involved to remark on moments they weren't fond of (for example, the visual effects crew openly admits to the bad death at the end). The writing is paired with some excellent production art and photos, making an all encompassing read for fans of the classic horror movie, al Excellent chronicle of the making of "A Nightmare On Elm Street" that gets everyone involved, from the actors, director, producers and visual effects people. Hutson does a great job covering every angle, and even gets some of involved to remark on moments they weren't fond of (for example, the visual effects crew openly admits to the bad death at the end). The writing is paired with some excellent production art and photos, making an all encompassing read for fans of the classic horror movie, along with a perfect companion for the documentary of the same name. ...more
Oct 26, 2018 rated it it was amazing
Amazing! Everything you could possibly ever hope to know about Nightmare on Elm Street including a background into Wes Craven, Bob Shaye, and the entire movie-making process from casting through marketing and release. This book is extremely detailed with great behind-the-scenes stories and photos from the people who were actually involved. Makes me miss Wes Craven even more! A must-read for any Nightmare on Elm Street fan!
Kristi Gibson
Jul 18, 2019 rated it did not like it
As someone who is undoubtedly a fan of this film, I could not come close to finishing this book.

This is truly a chronicle. It makes no effort to present the information in an engaging or entertaining way, but rather it extensively details the exact events leading up to and following the debut of A Nightmare on Elm Street. It reads like a dictionary - dry and overwhelming (even for a geek).

Jul 31, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Exhaustive research with mostly interviews specifically for this book (there's a bit of farming to other sources, which is to be expected). I loved the depth and character sketches of everyone involved. Granted, Hutson had the advantage of profiling a more recent movie and could talk to many of the folks that made it, but this is an impressive dive into the original NOES.
Joanna Maharaj
Nov 16, 2017 rated it really liked it
Any horror or pop culture fan will enjoy seeing how New Line Cinema became " The House that Freddy Built". From the conception of the iconic Freddy Kreuger to interviews with cast and crew. It's a great read that will make you miss Wes Craven even more. Any horror or pop culture fan will enjoy seeing how New Line Cinema became " The House that Freddy Built". From the conception of the iconic Freddy Kreuger to interviews with cast and crew. It's a great read that will make you miss Wes Craven even more. ...more
Michael Goth
Dec 06, 2017 rated it it was amazing
A fascinating and very detailed look into one of the greatest films ever made. Includes interviews with Wes Craven, Robert Englund and Heather Langenkamp. A must read for fans of the landmark horror movie.
Anna Carolina
De um momento de puro terror segundo uma mente infantil ao sucesso que chegou até hoje...
Nicholas Kopsian
Very interesting book on what it took to get A Nightmare on Elm Street made. I would recommend it only if you are a big fan of the movie, otherwise you won't care. Very interesting book on what it took to get A Nightmare on Elm Street made. I would recommend it only if you are a big fan of the movie, otherwise you won't care. ...more
Mar 23, 2021 rated it it was amazing
Cannot recommend this book enough! Very thorough and well-written book all about Elm Street.
Samantha Schell
Daniel Keppel
Thommy Hutson is an award-winning screenwriter, producer, director, and best-selling author.

He has written or produced critically acclaimed film and television projects—holiday, thriller, horror, and documentary—that have aired on Hallmark, Lifetime, Netflix, Hulu, Syfy, Chiller, Shudder, Bio Channel, and more. As an author, Thommy crafted the definitive book on the making and legacy of Wes Craven

Thommy Hutson is an award-winning screenwriter, producer, director, and best-selling author.

He has written or produced critically acclaimed film and television projects—holiday, thriller, horror, and documentary—that have aired on Hallmark, Lifetime, Netflix, Hulu, Syfy, Chiller, Shudder, Bio Channel, and more. As an author, Thommy crafted the definitive book on the making and legacy of Wes Craven's A Nightmare on Elm Street and his debut novel, the teen thriller Jinxed, is the award-winning debut of a trilogy that has been called, "A must read. Hutson could easily take on the mantle as the next Lois Duncan." His next novel, the holiday fantasy Write Christmas, releases December 2020.

A member of the Producers Guild of America, a Saturn and Home Media Magazine award-winner, a lover of Christmas films, and an aficionado of teen movies from the 80s and 90s, Thommy continues to develop unique and compelling projects across multiple genres for film, television, publishing, and home entertainment.


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